Anime impressions and recommendations
Periodically-updated gist. Check later for more.
written 2022-Mar-08
- Attack on Titan. Extremely competent writing; avoids many anime tropes; written like a detective story, rewards watching slowly and thinking ahead; full of competent characters who use their heads. The mood changes over several seasons, becoming deeper, more thoughtful, and more morally ambiguous.
- Steins Gate. One of the greatest time travel stories. Gripping, coherent, based on well-researched science, brimming with otaku references, a true geek party! Also recommended: the anime sequel; the original game with the community patch.
- Death Note. Extremely competent writing; avoids many anime tropes; detective story that rewards watching slowly and thinking ahead; has very competent characters who use their heads to the fullest.
- Code Geass. Saturated with coolness; competent writing; competent characters who use their heads; avoids some common anime tropes but falls prey to others; prone to deus ex machina and angst ex machina; watch with the official English voiceovers, which are superior to the Japanese originals.
- Parasyte. Very competent writing; explores deep moral topics, gives you something to think about; competent characters who use their heads; avoids most anime tropes; rewards watching slowly and thinking about the implications. Read my analysis after watching.
- Naruto. Saturated with cool characters and action scenes; the plot keeps getting deeper and more convoluted; great music, tone, atmosphere; saturated with optimistic morals about never giving up; about half of the anime is fillers, skip most of them for better enjoyment. I hate the ending, but the rest of the anime is worth it.
- Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. Somewhat unique theme; has various flaws, but manages to avert many common anime tropes; some mediocre parts, some really good parts.
- Not to be confused with Full Metal Alchemist (2002).
- Hellsing OVA (2001-2002). Stylish vampire action; solid atmosphere and music; avoids many anime tropes. Avoid "Hellsing Ultimate" which is inferior.
- Detroit Metal City (OVA). Short and humorous tale of death metal.
- One Outs. About using intellect and guile to succeed in baseball. I have no interest in baseball or sports, but this anime managed to engage me anyway.
- Hunter × Hunter. Entertaining, detailed, and varied. The story arcs are connected but also imaginatively different in their themes and content. Recommend watching the anime and reading the official English manga, which complement each other.
Recommended with reservations
- Mushishi. Collection of relaxed, meditative stories about bizarre microbes with strange effects on human lives. Set in Edo/Meiji-period Japan. Requires tolerance to body horror.
- Neon Genesis Evangelion. Requires special preparation and coaching to get the most out of it. Read my analysis / coaching before watching.
- Perverted Prince and Stony Cat (Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko). Embarrassing to watch. Don't get confused by the name; this is a lighthearted romantic comedy about children.
- Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust. High-quality production, very stylish, but mostly senseless violence.
- One Piece. Like Naruto but dumber, uglier, with worse music, and still unfinished.
- A Certain Magical Index. The anime is unfinished, needs season 4. The anime is compressed and doesn't make sense at times, especially in season 3. Obnoxious "small world" syndrome.
- Trinity Seven. Requires reading the manga. The anime sets the tone well, but is very incomplete. Start by watching the anime, and once it's over, read the manga.
- FLCL. Nonsensical mash of metaphors and angst.
- FLCL Progressive. Like the original but with more angst.
- Tokyo Ghoul: start with the anime, then read the manga. The anime sets the tone well, but is horribly butchered and incomplete. You need to read the manga to actually finish the story.
- Great Teacher Onizuka.
- Full Metal Panic. Combines embarrassing romantic comedy with military action. Full of dumb anime tropes. The anime is unfinished, lacking at least one season.
- Not to be confused with Full Metal Alchemist which is unrelated.
- Shinmai Maou no Testament. Embarrassing story, excellent music and mood.
Not recommended
- Cowboy Bebop. Pretentious nonsense.
- Ergo Proxy. Pretentious nonsense.
- Trigun. Senseless violence without style.
- Ninja Scroll. Senseless darkness and violence without style.
- Bleach: the anime is incomplete and ends before the coolest final arc. You have to read the manga to finish it. If the anime is ever finalized, this might rate as "neutral".
- Black Butler. The anime horribly butchers the source material, which is mediocre to begin with.
- Ranma. Unwatchable garbage.
- Mahou Sensei Negima. Unwatchable. Could only handle a few episodes.
- FLCL Alternative. Complete disappointment. Boring.